“Heaven, by Randy Alcorn, is a wonderful study of what God has prepared for those who love Him. This book examines, explains, and rejoices in heaven. It gives an answer to most every question you could ask and points you toward the glorious future that awaits. Read this book and be encouraged.”
–Pastor John |
“This is a book that was hard to lay down. I enjoyed getting to understand how God used two men, one a slave from Virginia and another from England to share the Love of Christ.”
–Pastor Randy |
“Mere Christianity, authored by C.S. Lewis, is the first book that opened my mind to the wonderful category within Christianity called apologetics. I believe Sarah, my wife, let me borrow her copy and I could not put it down! Then I reread it! In this delightful book, Lewis helps us think through why Christianity is true for all people. Some topics he covers are justice, morality, and the nature of God. Lewis reveals how Christianity is the only game in town that resolves the greatest issues that have puzzled humanity. One famous statement from the book is that Jesus is either liar, lunatic, or Lord…you must decide. Do yourself a favor if you have never read this powerful book and do so!”
–Pastor Zach |
“This book is absolutely charming. The only chapter I probably didn’t read and enjoy was the chapter on the history of French-speaking Quebec. At any rate, to know of weekly and yearly faithfulness in a difficult place made me aware of how petty I am with my stupid concerns of an attendance dipping 10% in one week for whatever reason. Here is a man who dutifully fed his flock of 20-40, three times a week, for years. His son (the author), D.A. Carson, is the reason I read this. ‘This must have been a great man; it’s Don Carson’s dad!’ Read and be blessed.”
–Pastor Bill |
“J.D. Grear wrote Breaking the Islam Code to help western Christians share the gospel well with Muslims. He explains Muslim beliefs and offers good advice for how to lovingly share the hope of the gospel. He also includes a helpful list of common Muslim objections to the gospel and ways to deal with them. This book will equip you to love and converse well with Muslims.”
–Pastor John |
“I really enjoyed this devotional, Tony Dungy will challenge you each day for a year. Thought provoking, challenging, and inspiring. Great Devotional.”
–Pastor Randy |
“Timothy Keller desires to show us the way to have true Christian joy. He goes after the lie in our culture that says happiness comes because of self-esteem. He argues that if you want to have Christian joy, then your identity and acceptance comes from Christ, not yourself or others. Keller walks his reader through 1 Corinthians 3 to accomplish his goal. This is perhaps the shortest and most powerful books you will ever read on Joy. I read it once a year and want to invite you to pursue joy with me.”
–Pastor Zach |
“If I had to grab only a handful of books out of a burning office, this would be one of them for two reasons: 1. Timeless, repeatable axioms for the teacher on teaching and learning; and 2. A reminder that I have not applied nearly enough of these great bits of truth. I have read through this book four times now in the last 11 years and I am better for it.”
–Pastor Bill |
“Reinventing Jesus was written to counter the arguments of Dr. Bart Ehrman and others like him, who claim that the Bible has been changed and corrupted over time. By examining and explaining the vast evidence for the trustworthiness of the Bible, the authors will give you the historical evidence and present-day confidence to equip believers and converse with skeptics. If you want to be able to speak intelligently with skeptics today, read this book.”
–Pastor John |
“Why would some sins be seen as spectacular? Because God uses them to accomplish His glory. From the prisoner Joseph to the Savior Jesus we have several examples given to us by John Piper as to why God allows sin, or perhaps better said (and a little more discernably attained)…what God does despite sin in the world.”
–Pastor Bill |
“Bill Musk wrote The Unseen Face of Islam to help Western Christians understand the real beliefs, hopes, and fears of ordinary Muslims. This is not a treatise on official Islamic doctrine or history, but rather an intimate look at the real lives of Muslims today. He demonstrates how “street-level Islam” goes beyond official Islamic doctrine to include many superstitious beliefs and practices. If you want to go beyond the stereotypes and fear-mongering so prevalent in our society today, read this book and gain a deeper understanding of the almost 2 billion Muslims in our world.”
–Pastor John |
“Living By The Book is a great book to help you read and understand your Bible better. Dr. Howard Hendricks, a seminary professor for over 50 years, walks you through the Bible study steps of Observation, Interpretation, and Application. If you want to handle your Bible better, read this book.”
–Pastor John |
Praying The Bible by Donald S. Whitney
“Donald Whitney, a professor at Southern Seminary, has written a short, simple book to help people guide their prayers with the Bible. He teaches his readers how to take a section of the Scriptures and use it as a springboard for prayer. Focusing on the Psalms, Whitney shows how using the Bible to pray can spark new passion and creativity in our prayer lives.”
–Pastor John |
“Withhold Not Correction by Bruce A. Ray is a great guide to help parents discipline their young children according to the Bible’s instruction. The author looks at why parents should discipline, how they should discipline, and when they should discipline. The book begins by explaining the Bible’s teaching on the subject before giving practical instructions for parents today. I highly recommend that every parent read and apply this book.”
–Pastor John |
The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm is a wonderful Story Bible for young kids. The author focuses on telling the big story of the Bible, namely the story of the gospel. He uses selected stories from the Old and New Testaments to explain the Big Picture Story (thus the title) of God’s word. I read this to my kids for a couple of years, and it helped them to get a firm grasp of the gospel story. I highly recommend this book for parents whose kids are of preschool age.
–Pastor John |
The Big Picture Interactive Bible Storybook
This is a good, detailed Story Bible for kids. With over 140 stories from the Old and New Testaments, this is a great way to help your kids become familiar with most of the stories in the Bible. My children and I have enjoyed reading through this, and I’ve seen their knowledge of the Bible grow as a result. I would highly recommend this Story Bible for elementary-age kids.
–Pastor John |